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Booted eagle studies

 I had lately  the chance to study a rarely seen Raptor from life. The small but agile Booted eagle. This one was of the dark phase. Painted in watercolours and drawn with sepia fineliners    
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Eurasian Wolf drawing

  A Eurasian wolf study, a commissioned drawing I`ve just finished, Various fineliners & Pens have been used to draw it on Strathmore toned paper    

Peregrine falcon painting

  A Peregrine falcon staying on a cliff above the sea. A composition I`ve just finished . Painted in acrylics and is based on a drawing I did few years ago. Also attached, the drawing and few photos taken while working on the latest Peregrine falcon painting    

New Peregrine falcon drawing

  A Peregrine falcon drawing I`ve just finished and is inspired by a video .Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned gray mixed media paper.   

Peregrine falcon drawing on toned paper

  A Peregrine falcon about to take off. A drawing I`ve just finished and is based on video footage. Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned gray mixed media paper. Included also, a series of images taken during the creation of the falcon drawing      

Harris hawk painting

  Harris hawks in the desert. A commissioned illutration recently finished. Acrylics on Hanhemühle heavy watercolour paper.Also attached , Several shots taken during the process of the illustration    

Peregrine falcon portrait

  A Peregrine falcon study .It is based on video and is drawn with various fineliners & pens on toned paper.