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Red fox portrait

 A Red fox portrait I finished today for an adult evening painting class. A series of images showing the process of the painting has been also attached
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A eurasian Eagle owl being annoyed by a common Raven, A typical corvid behaviour.. This watercolour painting  is based on a video of a spanish friend...Attached also, the story behind the composition from a b/w drawing I did last June based on a video of a spanish friend https://www.instagram.com/p/C5wQU6Iog0T/ , a couple of shots I took while painting and the final watercolour        

Snow leopard drawing

  Snow leopard on the prowl , the first drawing of the year! Drawn with Various Derwent line maker Grey fineliners and Faber Castell Pitt pens on Strathmore toned paper  

Northern Goshawk portrait

  A Northern Goshawk portrait. Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned gray mixed media paper.  

Long-legged buzzard portraits

  Long -legged buzzard portraits of various ages. From chick to adult plumage. Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens  

Peregrine falcon drawing

  A Peregrine falcon drawing I`ve just finished and is inspired by a video .Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned gray mixed media paper.The original drawing is AVAILABLE! PM me in case of interest..Artprints can be ordered by https://fineartamerica.com/featured/peregrine-falcon-on-the-rock-paschalis-dougalis.html?product=art-print . Attached also  few shots taken while I was drawing the latest Peregrine falcon    

Booted eagle double portrait

  Booted eagle pair of both colour phases. A commissioned work drawn on toned paper using various fineliners & pens