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Es werden Posts vom 2024 angezeigt.

New Peregrine falcon drawing

  A Peregrine falcon drawing I`ve just finished and is inspired by a video .Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned gray mixed media paper.   

Peregrine falcon drawing on toned paper

  A Peregrine falcon about to take off. A drawing I`ve just finished and is based on video footage. Drawn with various fineliners & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned gray mixed media paper. Included also, a series of images taken during the creation of the falcon drawing      

Harris hawk painting

  Harris hawks in the desert. A commissioned illutration recently finished. Acrylics on Hanhemühle heavy watercolour paper.Also attached , Several shots taken during the process of the illustration    

Peregrine falcon portrait

  A Peregrine falcon study .It is based on video and is drawn with various fineliners & pens on toned paper.    

Eurasian eagle owl drawing

  A Eurasian eagle owl study based on video and drawn with Derwent line maker fineliners.  

New human portrait in acrylics

 Attached, this time a portrait of a good friend I did lately and is panted in acrylics on wooden board

Laggar or Lugger falcon portrait

  Lugger or Laggar adult falcon portrait. Drawn with various fineliners & Pens on toned paper.   Attached also, few shots taken while drawing the  portrait    

"Mona Lisa" master copy in watercolours

  I was still in the elementary school when fascinated by the works from the Renaissance Masters I tried to copy some artworks . One of them was Mona Lisa. Now , more than fourty years later I tried to do the same but this time in watercolours. A rear challenge to copy a masterpiece in watercolours and in a such small size. I don`t have any intentions to be compared with the original but wanted to show the improvement which is obvious , I hope...  

Eurasian lynx portrait

  Northern or Eurasian Lynx portrait. It is based on video and is drawn with various fineliners & Pens on toned paper. This portrait is FOR SALE! PM me in case of interest at: dougalispaschalis@gmail.com  Attached also, as I always use to do, few images which show the progress of the latest Lynx drawing step by step      

Long legged buzzard chicks

  Three Long legged buzzard chicks in the nest. Based on video and drawn with various fineliners & pens    

Brambling painting

Bramblings, impressions of an invasion last winter somewhere in Northern Germany. A commissioned work painted in acrylics.Also attached the preliminary drawing. Note that this is a miniature painting of 20 x 30 cm size

Long legged buzzard portrait

  A triple portrait of a Long legged buzzard. It is based on video and is drawn with Sepia fineliners     

Eurasian hobby drawing

A Eurasian hobby , drawn with various fineliner & Pitt pens on Strathmore toned paper. Also attached, few shots taken during the creation of the Eurasian hobby drawing        

Tawny owl watercolour life study

  A Tawny owl painted from life in Nymphenburg park-Munich yesterday.  

Eurasian sparrowhawk portrait compilation

  Eurasian sparrowhawk head studies. Based on videos I took few days ago. Drawn with grey and black fineliners  

New Tawny owl life studies

T wo life studies of a Tawny owl I did yesterday in the morning in the Park. Sepia fineliners Also a couple of shots to show you how my "open air " studio looked like in the park