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Es werden Posts vom MĂ€rz, 2019 angezeigt.

"Florian" the Tawny owl, new studies

I spent several hours in Nymphenburg park hoping to make a proper watercolour study of "Florian" the only Tawny owl I didn`t manage to paint in colour yet. The owl was sitting outside his hole on a branch, enjoying the sunlight, until few Jays arrived screaming around and forced him to disappear in his hole..This is what I managed to get up to this point..

Portrait sketches

After two months I found the time to join the portrait group with our model posing for 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mintutes. I use to be quick when working outdoors but I don`t have to look at the clock as in this case. Attached,the images I managed to get within 2 hours in total.Many thanks to Andreas for organizing this event and Anastasia our model!

Tawny owl chick study

The first Tawny owl chick of the year! Sketched not in Nymphenburg park but in English Garden in Munich..Still very cold , I couldn`t stay longer..Many thanks to Heinz for showing me the spot,,,

New Samurai warrior study

I went back to the Samurai exhibition, and sketched an other Samurai warrior. For me the best part of the exhibition. Sepia fineliners  https://www.kunsthalle-muc.de/ausstellungen/details/samurai/

Blackbird singing life study

The weather is still cold, rainy and the wind didn`t allow any walk outdoors, but sometimes I just have to look out of my window to find motives to draw., Just like today,.. I heard first the blackbird singing and then I spotted the bird sitting on the top of a tree just opposite of my window. Using my scope I managed to do this study before the bird flew away..Bic pen

Red naped shaheen illustration

Attached this time, an Illustration of a Red naped shaheen (Falco peregrinoides babylonicus) of the central Asian race, I did recently. Painted in watercolours.(preliminary sketch included)

Samurai warrior study

There is a very interesting exhibition in Munich right now, which opened recently and will last to the end on June.It is about Samurai, showing historical armour of exceptional beauty..There are three Samurai warriors riding horses (life sized) who impressed me most and tried to made a detailed study on location at least of one of them .. Sepia fineliners

Albrecht DĂŒrer self portrait- Old masters gallery

This is my third attempt to sketch DĂŒrer`s self portrait on location and to my opinion the most successful one. Sketched in the old masters gallery(Alte Pinakothek) today in the morning. Sepia Fineliners & Pens

Roe deer & Tawny owl again

From my visit to the Nymphenburg park yesterday. One half-finished Tawny owl watercolour study..Didn`t have much luck with the owls yesterday... And... a Roe deer buck still in his winter coat, sketched also in the park.Sepia fineliners & Grey pens . Also, some photos taken by the good friend Heinz Peter during the painting process.